18 November, 2008

makes me wonder...or should it frighten me???

walking and really being among you ...the more I am privi to your just being...I wonder why you guys do what you do....I am so glad that you all feel at ease when you run into me around school. So much so that there is no personality shift into the person you would be if it was just any teacher or administrator walking the halls, but with me you guys feel free to, well for lack of better terms...just to be yourselves. Thank you for this!!

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate it....but it also makes me think!! (Oh no...my age is showing again!! LOL) I hear you guys joke about what it is that you guys do for fun, or what it is that happened to you when your parent walked in to your private hooky party...or even knowing what the whole battle of the bang thing between the grupo de cinco and Mrs. Bays French class next door was before the start of the next days classes...lol....but the thing that puzzles me is this....In my day, back in the 80's we also spoke out in our own way. We had our own personal revolutions, our rebellions, our outcries to be heard...we showed it through how we dressed (remember big hair and the early Madonna look??)...through the music we listened to....and the civic engagement we took part in......Hands Across America anybody?? and what about Band-Aid!!

But to me it seems that you guys are going to an extreme that my generation would never have dreamed of reaching for...none the less even going there. Those who did go there in my day were doomed to certain failure in life!! We all were into the "rebel yell" and stuff but it WAS all talk....we saved the action the older moments in our lives....like our college years....that is a blog topic for another day...rofl....but ultimately...I think we did have that invisible line that we never crossed....at least not in 9th grade...my gosh!! But let me say one thing guys...your frontal lobe where judgement lies...is still growing....so you aren't as big "know it all's" literally that you think you are...BIOLOGICALLY!!

...so just think about slowing down....just a bit....slow is good...but then again...my middle age is showing again...*smiles*

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