25 October, 2008
super soaker of a Saturday
It is kinda nice to be hold up in the crib all day today....let the rain fall...and the wind blow....I am just sitting back and watching it all happen.
We shared another great week together guys...I hope that you all feel the same way!! I would like to begin having discussions about our Christmas Project...if we plan it all well, executing it will be a no brainer....I made a short playlist with some songs I think we could use...if you have any tunes that you think might work better...speak up!! I mean you guys spend so much time surfing the Net I am sure that hunting for cool world music may be more productive for your brains than just idle mindless clicking....N'est ce pas?
See ya Monday!
23 October, 2008
...So they call it ENTHUSIASM.....
\in-ˈthü-zē-ˌa-zəm, en-, also -ˈthyü-\
Greek enthousiasmos, from enthousiazein to be inspired, irregular from entheos inspired, from en- + theos god
1 a: belief in special revelations of the Holy Spirit b: religious fanaticism2 a: strong excitement of feeling : ardor
Someone thought of me today because they felt that I was so ENTHUSIASTIC that it has to work!!
I am so proud of my enthusiasm, I wear it as a war hero would a silver star! You see, when I left Hunter, I didn't quit because I wanted to....I left because I had to. My father, a person who I spent a large chunk of time quite estranged from, is going blind, and he needed me to move closer, so he made me an offer I could not refuse. So needless to say, I left a job that I loved as much as the air I breathe...to come back to the town that I RAN away from so many years ago...ran away so fast that the inertia took me around the world twice!!
I separated from this renowned institution of higher learning with such a bittersweet sense of regret and hope for grander things....and as we all know, life happens....so I took my lemons and with the faith of your Principal and his first mate....and other powers that be....I think we got LEMONADE guys!! Again THANK YOU for that....and I want you all to know that you can always count on me....because in my eyes, it is all about YOU and all the you's to come...*soft smile*
22 October, 2008
CLICK MY LINK....melding of languages....can we be as open minded??
...in the midst of my administrative duties today I was given a great complement...there seems to be an actual question on some formal form that talks about a person's ability to get to know the people that they teach...I don't think that it is a duty for me to try and get to really know the students that travel through my classroom, but I feel that it's my natural, innate desire to figure you out before I figure out how to teach you....I don't know if it is because I was once one of YOU...inside each and every one of you, there I see a little piece of that younger me....and maybe over time, I realized with age what I was lacking in my youth....and moved passed it...but now as your teacher...I think it is important that I provide you guys not only with my take on language acquisition...but also I feel it is my obligation to teach in a way that you get it....and above all like getting it. We all have responsibilities...YOURS is going to school....I am just trying to keep it fun!! :))
Thanks guys....for just being you...and trusting that I have something to give you...confidence....be it en Esapñol or en françes....right??
Thanks guys....for just being you...and trusting that I have something to give you...confidence....be it en Esapñol or en françes....right??
21 October, 2008
What a great day!!
Nudged someone to give of themselves and help out so she can begin to feel how great it can be to help someone just because.....Have my posse that have to check in so I don't call out the search party to snuff 'em out of hiding...*giggles*.....or beats 'em outta the bushes!! ROFL..okay exaggerating a bit, but you know who you are..*smiles*
You guys make it so worth the ride!!
Let's hope that I feel the same way about my commute come wintertime...LOL!!
Nudged someone to give of themselves and help out so she can begin to feel how great it can be to help someone just because.....Have my posse that have to check in so I don't call out the search party to snuff 'em out of hiding...*giggles*.....or beats 'em outta the bushes!! ROFL..okay exaggerating a bit, but you know who you are..*smiles*
You guys make it so worth the ride!!
Let's hope that I feel the same way about my commute come wintertime...LOL!!
20 October, 2008
senza pietá....NO MERCY!!
Tutti voi sapete che io sono un sacco furba!
Non credere che ci cascheró per tuttle le vostre balle e promesse di far del vostro meglio...Fate me lo vedere....caspita!!
Ho dovuto cedere e dinnunciare che un ragazzo ha saltato la mia classe di nuovo...quanto mi scoccia dover farlo...ma non vi adzartate a pensare che io coprirei il fatto che qualcuno abbia fatto una cosa che non doveva!! Vi guardo sa!! Atenti!
Non mi fermeranno le paludi o la neve,
la tua capitale oramai s'intravede,
giorno dopo giorno verso la tua vita cavalco...
Sono il generale più crudele del fronte,
non faccio prigionieri e la mia spada è lucente,
terra dopo terra ad ogni tua fortezza io assalto...
Ti troverò...
Ti prenderò...
Ti porterò...
Per sempre con me...
Ti stringerò...
E senza pietà
io ti amerò con tutto questo amore mio...
E senza pietà
diventerò una fonte
nel deserto...
ti disseterò...
Le mie mani, le tue mani in questa battaglia,
è un agguato a tradimento in questa boscaglia,
rotolare insieme lungo il fiume dei sentimenti...
Ti troverò...
Ti prenderò...
Ti porterò...
Per sempre con me...
Ti stringerò...
Ti conquisterò...
E senza pietà
io ti amerò con tutto questo amore mio...
E senza pietà
diventerò una fonte
nel deserto...
ti disseterò...
Non avere paura di me...
anche il buio più fondo
può valere un azzardo...quel brivido in più...
che sei tu...
Senza pietà
io ti amerò con tutto questo amore mio
e senza pietà
diventerò il tuo regno
dolce sogno...
io ti vincerò...
io ti darò me stessa e questo cuore mio
e senza pietà...
ti bagnerò le labbra
con le labbra
ti disseterò...
Non credere che ci cascheró per tuttle le vostre balle e promesse di far del vostro meglio...Fate me lo vedere....caspita!!
Ho dovuto cedere e dinnunciare che un ragazzo ha saltato la mia classe di nuovo...quanto mi scoccia dover farlo...ma non vi adzartate a pensare che io coprirei il fatto che qualcuno abbia fatto una cosa che non doveva!! Vi guardo sa!! Atenti!
Non mi fermeranno le paludi o la neve,
la tua capitale oramai s'intravede,
giorno dopo giorno verso la tua vita cavalco...
Sono il generale più crudele del fronte,
non faccio prigionieri e la mia spada è lucente,
terra dopo terra ad ogni tua fortezza io assalto...
Ti troverò...
Ti prenderò...
Ti porterò...
Per sempre con me...
Ti stringerò...
E senza pietà
io ti amerò con tutto questo amore mio...
E senza pietà
diventerò una fonte
nel deserto...
ti disseterò...
Le mie mani, le tue mani in questa battaglia,
è un agguato a tradimento in questa boscaglia,
rotolare insieme lungo il fiume dei sentimenti...
Ti troverò...
Ti prenderò...
Ti porterò...
Per sempre con me...
Ti stringerò...
Ti conquisterò...
E senza pietà
io ti amerò con tutto questo amore mio...
E senza pietà
diventerò una fonte
nel deserto...
ti disseterò...
Non avere paura di me...
anche il buio più fondo
può valere un azzardo...quel brivido in più...
che sei tu...
Senza pietà
io ti amerò con tutto questo amore mio
e senza pietà
diventerò il tuo regno
dolce sogno...
io ti vincerò...
io ti darò me stessa e questo cuore mio
e senza pietà...
ti bagnerò le labbra
con le labbra
ti disseterò...
19 October, 2008
are you a fighter??
How easy is it to just not care anymore? How easy is it to not face the challenges the new day brings? How easy is it to not want to do any work because it is Monday and you want it to be the weekend still? How many of you guys will think about skipping school, or not participating in class only because it is Monday and you are still in the weekend swing? Or even better how many of you will try and do their math homework in MY Spanish class tomorrow?? Or tell their English teacher that we have parties on Fridays in French, then tell me they went to hand in the English assignment you fixed and NEVER EVEN GO to the class!!
It all goes back to how much of a fighter you are??
Do you fight for what you want and need, or do you just expect it because you breathe and occupy space in society....it is hard to reflect on all the challenges I face on a daily basis just living true to myself, and then it dawns on me that there are folks that freak out if they get gum on their shirt during class...and they are upper class men...OMG!! Am I old or is it REALLY the end of the world??
Was it only in MY generation that assignments were to be handed in and there WAS NO OTHER OPTION!!! Well again, I still wait for packets from some of you and have had to integrate it into class time because you guys think when I say something is due....YOU decide if it is important enough to do or not!!! I will just make it a zero sooner or later by default.
SO....are you a fighter?? or not.....another thing to make you go Hmmmm......
It all goes back to how much of a fighter you are??
Do you fight for what you want and need, or do you just expect it because you breathe and occupy space in society....it is hard to reflect on all the challenges I face on a daily basis just living true to myself, and then it dawns on me that there are folks that freak out if they get gum on their shirt during class...and they are upper class men...OMG!! Am I old or is it REALLY the end of the world??
Was it only in MY generation that assignments were to be handed in and there WAS NO OTHER OPTION!!! Well again, I still wait for packets from some of you and have had to integrate it into class time because you guys think when I say something is due....YOU decide if it is important enough to do or not!!! I will just make it a zero sooner or later by default.
SO....are you a fighter?? or not.....another thing to make you go Hmmmm......
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