26 September, 2008

Workin on playlists....Wooo Whooo :))

It was so cool to see how many of you came to our Silent Rave Planning Meeting and Brainstorming session on how to make it as "loud" a statement we can make!!

I must say that when I first announced the Rave in my classes, the kids were snickering at the idea...and I felt since I DID live the early Rave scene personally it is my duty to make sure you UNDERSTAND that the birth of the Rave Party, like any worthy shift in society, was deeply rooted in the ANTI-GLOBALIZATION MOVEMENT...and NOT anything else but a response the the "man". The wheels of Globalization began to churn in the 70's guys....long before any of you were even an idea in any ones head....and now we are living it. When I was at the American University in Rome I lived off Via Cavour, and was woken up much and often by demonstrators raising cane under my window. When I asked Marco (the room mate at the time) what all the hub bub was all about...he said that it was an Anti-Globalization demonstration.


In response to the feelings of having to live silly rules because of bar and club owners rules about hours and who DJ's and all the money driven decision making (it is the bottom line that matters for any business) we took our parties underground. Simply because we wanted the freedom to play the music we wanted and to have fun...at least that is how we lived it...in good clean FUN!!! Nothing more, nothing less....sheer adrenalin flowing crazy dancing...House music was what they played before it shifted later years into techno....and now I am so old I doubt that I would actually like the music they play at them things today!! LOL (admittedly aging...changes tastes...really...rotfl!!)

Anywhoo.....so I think I needed to set it straight....Rave like any other YOUTH movement was a good thing...so let's make this community SILENT RAVE next Friday the most coolest thing that S - E has EVER EXPERIENCED!!

It is your generation that has to teach the rest of us to GO GREEN...so lets Reuse, Reduce and Recycle....and Boogie down in Silence....

Dancing Lessons 8th mod in the Auditorium....thank the powers that be for helping make this MAGIC happen!!

Playlist will appear in my pod casts and such section accessible through my home page.

in light of the greater good.....PEACE!!

OMG...globalization in the news this early in the AM

I don't know what I am doing up this early in the morning....my eyes just opened and I am tooling around a quiet house, making tea (Yep...ran out of coffee *sigh*) and the next thing up on the news in Money Talks is.....outsourcing your CHORES....the piece opens up with the idea of sending off your most hated chores to INDIA....work at home people hire personal assistants (VIRTUAL ASSISTANT IS THE NEXT UP AND COMING MARKETPLACE ROLE FOR THE FUTURE SECRETARY).....Depak, and George got hooked up at www.getfriday.com.

Twelve dollars an hour paid through PayPal in dollars to a virtual terminal in India for the VA to feed his family. This is a reality that will be MAIN STREAM in YOUR FUTURE guys!! Believe me I saw the need already in my world as a Senior Administrative Assistant in the metro NYC area. Who among you will catch THAT wave??? ARE YOU READY TO COMPETE IN A GLOBAL MARKET??????

I remember in Italy all the old ladies (yeah the ones dressed perpetually in BLACK because they are forever morning their defunct spouse) used to say....oh the children of today are born with their eyes open.....well I don't think that it is the babies that are born different....but it is the WORLD that is different they were born into!! We treat infants like geniuses from birth, stimulating their brains with colors, sounds and images...(Baby Einstein anyone) and then EXPECT the children NOT to be different....hmmm...isn't it BAD Practice to think that doing things in the same way all the time, and expecting the outcome to be different....I know there is some Psychology mumbo jumbo that clearly states this point...but that is a post for a morning that I have COFFEE IN THE HOUSE!!! LOLOL

I just want to be able to have all of you stand proud as WORLD CITIZENS....Oh Captain, my Captain!!


25 September, 2008

To Thump or not to Thump???

Well, I think that today, my world has earned a post in English...lol....yep THAT is also one of the languages I try to speak!! ROTFL :))

It is amazing how the world turns...if I had done things the "right" way (or rather the way that everyone else thought I should have done it) I would have completed all my education course work as a minor when I was in college, and could have been doing this for a living a WAY LONG TIME AGO.....but then I stop and laugh and remember that while we are all busy planning.....well...you know who is laughing...so that said, I gotta keep the faith and move forward...hopefully that includes upward, but that is another days' post...LOL!

When I got out of school yesterday, and well...went head to head in what was called a "Thump Off"..(is that what you guys call it??) I think I won!! *giggles*

It is kinda cool to feel like I am beginning to fit in...thanks for that!!

It has not been easy being me....but it sure has been way worth the JOURNEY!!!

Honest!! I truly think that life happens, and you can either be a verb, or an adjective.

You can DO....or just TALK ABOUT IT!!

It isn't easy at all at times to DO what you have to even if you don't FEEL like it, trust me I know. It is even harder, looking at where you HAVE TO GET TO...wanting to be there, and NOT WANTING to BE A VERB to GET THERE....in the back of my noggin I know that anything worthwhile comes after much effort...if it didn't they wouldn't have called it WORK!! N'est pas? But as I rode home today, over hill and dale...I noticed the leaves changing and realized that time is moving forward...no matter if I AM READY OR NOT.....and it feels good! So, I personally will continue to be an action word....and will "get 'er done" :)) Thanks in a large part to all of YOU!!! Mis estudiantes de S-E!!



24 September, 2008


Ma voi, ci credete?? Sí, stasera, di nuovo......le idee mi scorrono in italiano....Io ho allegato un clip di un ragazzino que ha un sacco da dire....una perspectiva che io personalmente condivido!! Io ne ho avuto poche di persone que hanno creduto in me da giovane. Se non fosse stato per le persone che mi sono capitati sotto piede, non saprei che fine avrei fatto!!

Scuola non m'é mai stato un posto dove volevo stare. Ma io sapevo que serviva!! Quindi continuavo ad andarci.....ma appena que io avevo dimostrato ai mei che c'é l'ho fatta....me ne sono scapatta dal altra parte del mondo! Ci sono rimasta per molti anni, é in fondo é lí che ci sono cresciuta. C'era Fabio Lucidi che m'aveva detto spesso che...io sono nata in america, ma sono cresciuta in Italia.

Uno non se ne rendo conto veramente il momento che "cresce"....io, solltanto adesso me ne rendo conto che sono VECCHIA!! aparte i cappelli grigi, mi viene la realisazione guardando mi intorno...'a mazza te'o...so' vecchia pe' d'avvero!! Insomma...e cosí che giranno le cose!!


22 September, 2008

¡No hay de papas! o ¿No hay de ganas?

No sé qué pensar...hoy para algunos de ustedes fué el día del ensayo, y lo que he leido no me sorprendió.

Para muchos no hay de ganas....qué lástima.

Algunas veces me siento como el professor típico de mi joventúd; adelante della clase; detrás de mí pulpito, dando un discurso que no interesa a nadie. Mi sorprende que algunos de Ustedes no tienen mucho entusiasmo en conpartir conmigo todo lo qué yo abbía adquirido en mis viages por éste mundo.

En vez de abrazar la oportunidad con mucho gusto, mi intúito me dice que todavía hay personas que verdaderamente creen de ser más informadas que yo. La sensación que siento desde algunos de Ustedes es que todavía creen que mi clase es una pérdida de tiempo, o quizás creen que es solamente una clase de Español que no podría servirte en el futuro más que saber ordinar quesadillas y tacos con la estructura gramáticalmente correcta. No se olviden nunca decir...MÍ LÁPIZ ES AZUL!!!!

Mí papél como maestra no es solamente hacer en manera que Ustedes saben MEMORIZAR cosas......mi papél es darles a Ustedes las herramientas necesarias para poder UTILIZAR lo que Ustedes habbían memorizado....¿¿PARECE JUSTO??

Como siempre....todo ésto es SOLAMENTE MÍ OPINIÓN!!!
Nosotros todos la tenemos....una opinión....¿cuál es la tuja?
Soy curiosa...¡vemos lo qué me dirían mañana!

21 September, 2008

Buona Donemica..

Finalmente mi sento riposata...oggi mi scorrono i pensieri in italiano!!

Che si puo fare?

Quando avete una maestra che parla un sacco di lingue mi sembra naturale che abbia dei momenti di collasso mentale. Non vi rendete conto cuanto mi sforzo a zompare fra le lingue che so....che fatica...verramente!!

Insomma....la conferenza ieri era tremenda! Piena di studenti svogliati, e magari una manciatta di professori di lingue. Che gruppo di intelectuali, sono rimasta impresionata e gazata per riportare nella mia clase tutte le idee che loro hanno presentato.

Mi sento piu sicura nel mio modo di fare con voi. Perché é davero una metodología...Insegnare lingue in contexto....Ho speso 200 dollari nella librería...mi sono dimenticata cuánto costanno i libri della universitá.

Beh!! Ho da leggere e compiti da fare....non ne parliamo dei panni che ci sono nella la lavandería che hanno bisogno della mia attenzione....lolol!! Ci sará sempre qualcosa che aspetterá fino a domani.
