22 June, 2009

brushing off the cobwebs

Well after a long hiatus I am back...life happens I guess and time flies by and before you know it months have passed!!

Since I fell and broke my ankle I have had more of you guys checking in on me than I could have ever imagined!! Thanks for that.

So I suppose that in all now that the school year is over (at least for me) I have to thank you all for helping me break through into teaching. It has been a long year, full of challenges as well as personal triumphs. I am excited to get planning for next fall.

I want to thank each and every one of you that I had the pleasure of meeting throughout the course of the school year...in LOTE class and outside of it!! I love the new career I have chosen for myself and it is thanks to you that I have the courage and energy to hobble around and "Get 'Er Done"!!

Happy Summer All!!!