yep, it is Saturday and I am up at the crack of dawn, dogs have been out, fed, and I am on my second latte. I have my Teacher Certification exam today, the Content Specialty Exam in Spanish. Funny how little anxiety I have about sitting for this test, when I took my Language Arts and Sciences portion of the exam, I swear I was a wreck!!
I guess it is all about confidence. The thought of taking a three hour long standardized test that ascertains your abilities for success in the field of teaching, with a content base as vast as EVERYTHING I LEARNED IN SCHOOL, shook me to the core to a point of immobility!!!
Today I sit and sip my latte, looking out into the morning darkness, watching the light of day break through over the horizon....and quietly thank the powers that be for my just knowing. Do I feel smart?? Heck NO!! But I do feel fortunate that my head just works that way, and happy that I figured out how to make it work in my favor. :))
High Ho...High is off to Syracuse I go.....exam starts at 1 o'clock and is three hours send positive vibes to the universe that your Miss Ridikas doesn't have a major meltdown when she looks at this thing...and doesn't blank out and tank the exam....old habits die hard guys....remember I mentioned my profs giving me oral exams??? *giggles*
Hope I outgrew that habit...LOLOL