...well guys....I just can't figure it out on my own...I have all your stuff ready on paper, but I can't seem to wrap my brain around posting them virtually before Monday. My apologies!! But on the other hand...patience is a virtue....or even better, think of it this way....it is like Christmas Eve and you are waiting for morning to come so you can finally unwrap your presents....lol....let's equate that fun feeling to getting my grades....okay?? ;)
As for my civic engagement here in this neck of the woods...I was out in the morning fog, filling the dunk tank, taping flyers all over, buying ice and ice cream for the root beer floats booth, blowing up the jump house and slide, and well, just plain ole doin' a whole bunch of stuff...Ms. Decker needed the help and I couldn't let one of my old classmate's sister down now could I???!!
The MOST fun part of the day was running the dunking booth...we had athletes, teachers coaches, even the Dean of Students up there on this brisk autumn day offering themselves up for the dunkin'.... all for a good cause!!
I had them buying balls BY THE BUCKET...3 for a buck was too little for such a priceless opportunity....COME ON....dunk the man who won't believe you when you say that you really DIDN'T DESERVE THAT DETENTION????.....or the man who made you do those extra laps for giving backtalk???.....Wooo Whooo....glad I work at S-E now....LOL!! It was all in good fun...the most dunked was the Middle School Science teacher...her children got a bucket full....and hit the bulls eye on almost every throw!! Wonder if Mrs. Jump will be feeding them tonight...I think I heard her say something about that between squeals as she took yet another plunge for the greater good.
04 October, 2008
03 October, 2008
Well guys...I just got home...and my grades are ready and on paper, but my brain is not in any condition to tackle a new software program and trying to click willy nilly through it, to learn as I do kinda thing.
So...I decided to bring my laptop with me to ACS and find a hot spot to input the numbers into the system for you, as I watch over the dunking booth, or sell raffle tiks....or whatever it is that Ms. Decker will have me doing tomorrow. 8 AM roll out...hope they have COFFEE there for us volunteers....*note to self* BRING YOUR OWN!!! LOLOL
Over all you ALL are getting out of my class (in numbers) the same amount as the effort that you put into it...do any of you expect an A if you do D effort??? UMMMM...REALITY CHECK....NOT!!!
The files are posted in downloads for any of you that want to better your grade...if you are happy being "average" or "proficient", well so be it....for those of you that want to be proactive about their education...you have until Saturday evening to get me your attachment....a blank attachments will not get you anything but your original grade...*cough, cough* HIT SAVE before you send... : S
I wanted to get all this administrative work done for all you grades hungry kidlin's...but life happens....and I ran out of hours in the day. :( Anybody know where I can get a few extra hours...cheap???
So...my numbers oriented youngins...I am gonna try and squeeze some rest into my honey-do list. I really enjoyed sharing in the festivities and the parade with you guys...P.S.....between you me and the rest of the Internet world...I think the Junior Class stayed closest to the theme of this years parade...and made their float not only pollution free....but completely out of recycled materials....so KUDOS from me....and all Juniors can hit my candy cabinet on Monday....
¡Que pasen un buen fin de semana!
So...I decided to bring my laptop with me to ACS and find a hot spot to input the numbers into the system for you, as I watch over the dunking booth, or sell raffle tiks....or whatever it is that Ms. Decker will have me doing tomorrow. 8 AM roll out...hope they have COFFEE there for us volunteers....*note to self* BRING YOUR OWN!!! LOLOL
Over all you ALL are getting out of my class (in numbers) the same amount as the effort that you put into it...do any of you expect an A if you do D effort??? UMMMM...REALITY CHECK....NOT!!!
The files are posted in downloads for any of you that want to better your grade...if you are happy being "average" or "proficient", well so be it....for those of you that want to be proactive about their education...you have until Saturday evening to get me your attachment....a blank attachments will not get you anything but your original grade...*cough, cough* HIT SAVE before you send... : S
I wanted to get all this administrative work done for all you grades hungry kidlin's...but life happens....and I ran out of hours in the day. :( Anybody know where I can get a few extra hours...cheap???
So...my numbers oriented youngins...I am gonna try and squeeze some rest into my honey-do list. I really enjoyed sharing in the festivities and the parade with you guys...P.S.....between you me and the rest of the Internet world...I think the Junior Class stayed closest to the theme of this years parade...and made their float not only pollution free....but completely out of recycled materials....so KUDOS from me....and all Juniors can hit my candy cabinet on Monday....
¡Que pasen un buen fin de semana!
02 October, 2008

Grades will be up for you guys by the end of my day tomorrow....so hold tight just a bit longer :))
I must say that I can tell who is doing what with the tools I have tried to give you over these past five weeks.
It is obvious to me where your personal disconnects are...I can see from how you answered the questions on the tests, who out of you actually took my test taking advice....who cares to know some of what I have learned while acquiring all these languages I have categorized in my noggin....and who it is that still needs to wrap their brains around all the information you have taken in over time, and who out of all of you still just doesn't want to do nothin'.
I am looking forward to connecting the dots for you....reinforcing your scaffolding.....and watching you develop as critical thinkers!!
30 September, 2008
Tuesday's used to be a soda float at Jahn's Ice Cream Parlor
Yes...it is Tuesday, and I enjoyed yet another day among you great citizens of the world!!
I imagine you all have allot going on and many expectations to live up to, and I just wanted to let you all know that it is AWESOME to be among such great minds at work.
If there is a pearl of wisdom I can give you all as these first five weeks comes to a close, let it be this.....accept the challenges so that you can FEEL the exhilaration of VICTORY. Actually it isn't my pearl...it belonged to George Patton.
As you move up and through life you will be faced by challenges and find yourself in competition with people who were, for a lack of better terms, breed to succeed. Those ones from Bronx Science, the same ones who attended a French Immersion School on the Upper West Side of some metropolitan area..*giggles*...but you ALL should walk tall and proud...because you have S-E to get you ready for FUTURE CHALLENGES. You will make us Shine!!!
I imagine you all have allot going on and many expectations to live up to, and I just wanted to let you all know that it is AWESOME to be among such great minds at work.
If there is a pearl of wisdom I can give you all as these first five weeks comes to a close, let it be this.....accept the challenges so that you can FEEL the exhilaration of VICTORY. Actually it isn't my pearl...it belonged to George Patton.
As you move up and through life you will be faced by challenges and find yourself in competition with people who were, for a lack of better terms, breed to succeed. Those ones from Bronx Science, the same ones who attended a French Immersion School on the Upper West Side of some metropolitan area..*giggles*...but you ALL should walk tall and proud...because you have S-E to get you ready for FUTURE CHALLENGES. You will make us Shine!!!
29 September, 2008
Spirit Week Is Upon Us....
Seeing all your faces pop into the doorway of the auditorium today made my Monday!! I hope you all enjoyed yourselves...totally worth breaking a sweat for I'll say.
I do hope that you all walked away with a little somethin' somethin' to practice in the comfort of your own private space. :) All I know is that while trying to pump y'all up, I overdid it and pulled something in my hip...*note to self* you are older than you feel...LOL.
I hope that more of you gather this week, take advantage of the space the School has made available to us and use the time available to dance it off!! It is allot of fun to get the sheer utter silliness flowing before the end of the day...thanks guys!!
You ROCK!!
I do hope that you all walked away with a little somethin' somethin' to practice in the comfort of your own private space. :) All I know is that while trying to pump y'all up, I overdid it and pulled something in my hip...*note to self* you are older than you feel...LOL.
I hope that more of you gather this week, take advantage of the space the School has made available to us and use the time available to dance it off!! It is allot of fun to get the sheer utter silliness flowing before the end of the day...thanks guys!!
You ROCK!!
28 September, 2008
Rainy Sunday...full of laughs
Jeff Dunham is brilliant and has quite and entourage of, well let's say colorful characters....my 14 year old turned me on to him today...so this is what the freshman in Afton are watching.
I was laughing so hard at watching them laugh!! Can it be that such a "heavy" reality can be accepted and made okay through laughter??
How would you feel if you had to leave your country because if political unrest and instead of finding open arms you find bias??
My grandparents HAD to flee Lithuania because of fear of persecution because of their involvement with the Lithuanian Self-Defense Movement...and btw....they WALKED out of Lithuania with only what they could carry.
Life here wasn't easy but they worked hard, educated themselves and settled down after retirement in Afton.
Imagine how it is for the people immigrating to the US today...from places like the Middle East and Asia...looking for a better life. They don't look like we do, act like we do, eat what we eat, and maybe don't even speak like we do.....how out of place they must feel.
So if you happen across someone who is different.....SMILES are UNIVERSALLY UNDERSTOOD!!!
I was laughing so hard at watching them laugh!! Can it be that such a "heavy" reality can be accepted and made okay through laughter??
How would you feel if you had to leave your country because if political unrest and instead of finding open arms you find bias??
My grandparents HAD to flee Lithuania because of fear of persecution because of their involvement with the Lithuanian Self-Defense Movement...and btw....they WALKED out of Lithuania with only what they could carry.
Life here wasn't easy but they worked hard, educated themselves and settled down after retirement in Afton.
Imagine how it is for the people immigrating to the US today...from places like the Middle East and Asia...looking for a better life. They don't look like we do, act like we do, eat what we eat, and maybe don't even speak like we do.....how out of place they must feel.
So if you happen across someone who is different.....SMILES are UNIVERSALLY UNDERSTOOD!!!
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