Well a Happy Monday to you all!!
I must say that as usual it was a pleasure to be among you all again today...it is also nice to see that there are those among you that have realized that attendance is mandatory and I truly hope that at least during the time we share together you guys really enjoy learning!! LOL!!
Honestly...I think that you guys have no idea how much you actually do know...those of you who have been fortunate enough to have absorbed all that information on foreign language taught to you over the years in Middle School...KUDOS...and those select few who are new to the whole idea of foreign language acquisition....WOW....I hope you all realize just how smart you really are. Then there are those of you who just need that slight nudge to see how brilliant you are...I will keep poking you with more challenging aspects of the language!!
If there is just one thing you walk away with from having known me...let it be confidence!!
Confidence in what you know and the desire to only strengthen that knowledge, build on it, and of course have it all help you develop into the wonderful insightful future leaders I know you will be!!
Peace out Sailor Scout!!....**rofl...that is for someone who knows who they are....smiles**
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