04 December, 2008


guess where she is sitting...in the walkway between the columns at St Peter's Square...I recognized it right away....I sat there many times myself...too cool!!

I am sitting in a quiet house...rarity by all means....and am watching Prime News on CNN. (YES again a sign of my age) I just watched a piece on cheerleaders who were kicked off the squad for what they call sexting. IMAGINE THIS...girls in HS sending well those kinds of pictures of themselves on their cell phones....and the kicker is that the parents are suing the school for kicking them off the cheer leading squad.....What do you make of this?? What are they thinking??

I mean really girls I DO HOPE that we all have much better sense than that..okay I remember how it was being in High School and all the stress that comes with it. The right group, the right grades, the right clothes, the right everything...like I said adolescence is ROUGH!!! But with all the tech and stuff that you have now....have the limits been pushed that far that one might even CONSIDER doing something like this??

What is your opinion...we'd like to know!!

The program's website is:

At the time I took the poll below...the stats looked like this...

Should the cheerleaders have been kicked off the team for sending nude pictures of themselves?
Yes 72%
No 28%

This is not a scientific poll

03 December, 2008

...Shlumpy Hump-day....

Ambiguous is pretty much the word that can sum up my mood for today.

What do you do when you care but the folks you care about don't care about the fact that you care??

When is it, that there is that light bulb that goes off in their head, that gives them that "a-ha" moment, that it dawns on them that just maybe they are cared about unconditionally.....one doesn't expect anything back for caring....well...nothing except honesty and respect....is that too high a price to pay for having someone genuinely care about how you are??

On the other hand, it may just not be cool to have someone like me care about what you do, who you hang with, why you are absent, or how you are handling heavy duty life situations that your circumstance has dealt you. Maybe it is the people that are in your posse that scoff at the idea. Maybe it is that that same one that scoffs secretly wishes it was him I gave a hoot about...well FYI...I care about him TOO!!!

There is no greater challenge than adolescence....I sure wouldn't want to do it over again...even if I could go back and do it all again knowing what I know now!! NO WAY!!!!

This is why I care...whether you see it now or not...I want to make sure that you make it out there in the real world...no matter what you wanna be when you grow up.

02 December, 2008

...parent teacher night...oh my!!

Today I spent my day waiting....waiting to sing your praises to your folks...and the one parent I saw I had to go track down in the cafe....lol!!

No worries...it is all good!!

I do need to say tho that I am very proud of the effort I see you all making in my classroom. From the way that the Spanish IV group has taken the ball and are running with it for their midterm video project, to my Spanish I class' ability to actually express themselves in Spanish and their desire and genuine interest in starting to e-mail a group of kids in Salamanca, Spain, to my French I kids that are breezing through all our units so quickly!!


Rock on!!

01 December, 2008

who can you run to??

I heard the saddest news this morning as I was preparing to come to school. On the Good Morning America program the mother and sister of a young man who took his own life live on line were interviewed by the program's host. The young man's sister spoke of community...of a communities responsibility to look out for the well-being of its own members.

I believe that all of us cyber-junkies understand what the virtual community is and how it functions....yes we all know that there is etiquette and protocol and just plain ol' common sense rules that should always be followed. But my question to you all is this....is your real time community involvement just as important to you as your virtual community?? Do you hold your virtual self up to the same strict standards that you do your real-time self?? Do you portray yourself and your activities honestly, with integrity and honor??

As my on line following begins to build and noticeably expand I hope that you all remember the importance of being true to yourself and your community...be it your MySpace community, your Facebook community, or just the community you find outside your front door.

In light of the greater good....PEACE!!

30 November, 2008

Well as quickly as it came is about as quickly as it went...this mini-vacation I mean. I can't believe it is back to work tomorrow!! But hey...let's look at the bright side...Christmas vacation will be here before we know it. LOL!!

In the meantime it is my role to make sure that you guys are really learning...so I think the best thing for us to do is just back it all up and run thru it all over again in a more general view...just so we are solid as we wind down till the end of 2008....and make sure you guys know how to use what we have taken in thus far!!

¡Hasta mañana!