Well I finally found a hot spot to piggyback on so I can have access to you all thru my laptop. As I said before I trucked me and my kids and all my animals downstate on Christmas Day. It was a nice day and has been an all around nice visit to my old stomping grounds with old friends...all up until Saturday when I found out that an acquaintance of mine was a victim of violence and unfortunately has become just another NYC statistic.
It is moments like this...the ones that make you go numb...that ultimately make you take inventory of your blessings!! It has been a difficult time for me I must admit...to accept that fate has played itself out and has taken yet another vibrant life from this earth...and to find the justice in it all.
Needless to say my New Year's Eve plans have changed as they are laying Bobbie to rest today...so if I do unite with my posse from Brooklyn...we will all be remembering a man who was taken from us in a botched robbery attempt...and by the way, the guys who did this...GOT AWAY!!!
My moral of this story?? Life is to be appreciated EVERYDAY!! Never take anything for granted...and all my young people out there...we are not infallible and indestructible!! Be safe and be happy...Today!!!!