09 April, 2009

what a great day...

I think all my classes enjoyed our scavenger hunts today, and what makes it all even better is that we are on Spring Break!! A whole week off before the final push to the end of the year!

Overall I am confident that you all have what it takes to successfully complete the requirements to pass my class if you just do what is asked of you. The formula for success in my world is a simple one!! Follow instructions, cooperate, hand in the work on time and apply yourself accordingly in order to pass the exams given. I think that is a general overall rule of thumb for any class you take in school. Simply apply yourselves, and follow the rules and before you know it...it will be June and you will be itching for Summer vacation to start!!

I do love what I do...all my kids here in Afton want me back...but I like being among you ALL!!


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