14 January, 2009

the learning never ends...

ya think it is over when you finish school...but it in not!!

But what is it that we really learn...is it just stuff you will never need?? or is it more just perspective?? Some of you seem to think you know it all....at least in foreign languages...it becomes challenging I must admit...but then..I remember that it is all about perspective....my perspective and my ability to try and help you guys see it from a different point of view.

I know what I know...I have had a lot more years to acquire all these pearls of wisdom than most of you have...and it is my duty to place these pearls in your satchel of knowledge now....and when I am dealing with interruptions, whispers, and talking...I can get mad, write you up...but instead it just made me realize that I was just doing it all wrong...a simple shift in perspective helped me realize that it is more about me and how I teach than anything else!!

Thanks for helping me see that guys...

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