17 October, 2008

when will you know that you are rising to the challange???

...I forget that you all are still so new....or maybe I have to realize that I am getting old...but I asked of you today and some rose to the occasion swimmingly and others didn't fail to show their conventional hard headed nature....was it that hard to shine??

...it shouldn't be that hard for me to wrap my brain around though, seeing that each and every one of you thinks that you are the first ones to invent that type of reaction and response....well...ummm....NOT!!

...I think even those that came before me laughed when I attempted it...and I am now in their shoes...go figure!! Karma is a great thing...or can it be the action and reaction thing Einstein came up with...whatever be your take on it....trust me...been there...way done that....and it don't fly in my learning environment....okay I am off my soapbox....and Monday is a new day...and there is no handing in old work from the first five weeks...ZEROS will be put in by default in all the holes in your personal assignments portion of your grades and there is nothing I can do about it!!

Happy Weekend!!

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