25 September, 2008

To Thump or not to Thump???

Well, I think that today, my world has earned a post in English...lol....yep THAT is also one of the languages I try to speak!! ROTFL :))

It is amazing how the world turns...if I had done things the "right" way (or rather the way that everyone else thought I should have done it) I would have completed all my education course work as a minor when I was in college, and could have been doing this for a living a WAY LONG TIME AGO.....but then I stop and laugh and remember that while we are all busy planning.....well...you know who is laughing...so that said, I gotta keep the faith and move forward...hopefully that includes upward, but that is another days' post...LOL!

When I got out of school yesterday, and well...went head to head in what was called a "Thump Off"..(is that what you guys call it??) I think I won!! *giggles*

It is kinda cool to feel like I am beginning to fit in...thanks for that!!

It has not been easy being me....but it sure has been way worth the JOURNEY!!!

Honest!! I truly think that life happens, and you can either be a verb, or an adjective.

You can DO....or just TALK ABOUT IT!!

It isn't easy at all at times to DO what you have to even if you don't FEEL like it, trust me I know. It is even harder, looking at where you HAVE TO GET TO...wanting to be there, and NOT WANTING to BE A VERB to GET THERE....in the back of my noggin I know that anything worthwhile comes after much effort...if it didn't they wouldn't have called it WORK!! N'est pas? But as I rode home today, over hill and dale...I noticed the leaves changing and realized that time is moving forward...no matter if I AM READY OR NOT.....and it feels good! So, I personally will continue to be an action word....and will "get 'er done" :)) Thanks in a large part to all of YOU!!! Mis estudiantes de S-E!!



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