26 November, 2008

Happy Turkey...

So it is officially Thanksgiving Day vacation!! Phew...we made it!! *giggles*

How cool was it to see Mr. Reed today!!! Too bad we never started the wave up there in the bleachers. Next time!! *grin*

I hope that you all do realize how much effort it took for Mr Reed not only to come visit but also overcoming the thought of the risk he was taking by simply exposing himself to all your wonderful kid germs. He loves you guys that much that he put doctor's orders on the back burner just to share your space!! How awesome is that??? See you guys DO ROCK...and I am not the only one who notices!!

I hope that you guys sleep late, rest, and totally enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday...remember that there is always something to be grateful for everyday...not just on November 28th...ya just gotta look! :))



Palindromes! said...

Omg i couldn't believe how many things happened to him the list was like crazy, omg i just had to tell you when we got up to the bleachers my frind paul was like i accidently hit your teacher in the back with my books and i was like ohhh thats what happened! ha ha ha Happy Thanksgiving!


Señorita Ridikas said...

Yeah...quite the laundry list...the thing that stuck out in my brain was that he flat lined three times...wow what a fighter!! The universe has big plans for him I am sure. As for the book think...it's a hair flip...lolol